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경찰 조서 작성 게임? #include int main() { // 프로젝트 // 경찰관이 범죄자의 정보를 입수 (조서 작성) // 이름? 나이, 몸무게, 키 범죄명 char name[256]; printf("이름이 뭐에요?\n"); scanf_s("%s", name, sizeof(name)); int age; printf("몇 살이에요?\n"); scanf_s("%d", &age); float weight; printf("몸무게는 몇 kg 이에요?\n"); scanf_s("%f", &weight); double height; printf("키는 몇 cm에요?\n"); scanf_s("%lf", &height); char what[256]; printf("무슨 범죄를 저질렀어요?\n"); scanf_s("%s", what, s..
깃, 깃허브 사용법 1. 깃허브에 회원가입 깃허브에 회원가입을 한 다음 new 버튼을 눌러 새로운 repository를 만들어준다. 2. 깃 설치 https://git-scm.com/download/win Git - Downloading Package Downloading Git Now What? Now that you have downloaded Git, it's time to start using it. git-scm.com 깃허브에 포트폴리오를 올리기 위해서는 깃을 설치해야 한다. 실제 프로그램은 깃인것. 3. 깃 환경설정 컴퓨터에 깃의 환경설정을 한다. user@DESKTOP-O5CM2RJ MINGW64 ~ $ git config --global user.name "*" user@DESKTOP-O5CM2RJ MING..
[공부방법]불편함과 두려움을 해결하라 살면서 불편함을 느끼기도 하고, 두려움이라는 것을 느끼기도 하는데, 불편함이나 두려움이라는 것은 둘 다 동일한 근원에서 비롯되는 것을 보게 된다. 불편함은 익숙하지 않은 무언가로부터 비롯되고, 두려움은 알지 못하는 것에서 비롯되는 것이다. 익숙하지 않은 것을 할 때, 우리는 불편해지고, 새로운 것을 접할 때 두려움을 느낀다. 마인드셋을 바꿔야 한다. 익숙하지 않은 것을 접할 때 성장할 수 있다는 감각을 느껴야 하고, 새로운 것을 접할 때는 호기심을 가지고 접하는 것이다. 그래서 불편함이 편안함으로 되어야 하며, 두려움은 걱정없음의 상태로 탈바꿈되어야 한다. 불편함과 새로움을 새로운 기쁨의 표준으로 삼아라. 불편하다면 배울 것이 생겼고, 이해를 깊이 할 수 있는 기회가 주어진 것이다. 불편한 것과 두려운 ..
A mind for numbers Focusd and Diffuse Mode Since the very beginning of the twenty-first century, neuroscienists have been making profound advances in understanding the towo different types of networks that the brain switches between-highly attentive states and more relaxed resting state networks. Focused moid thinking is essential for studying math and science. It involves a direct approach to solving problems usi..
DC Circuit Theory The fundamental relationship between voltage, current and resistance in an electrical or electronic circuit is called Ohm’s Law. All materials are made up from atoms, and all atoms consist of protons, neutrons and electrons. Protons, have a positive electrical charge. Neutrons have no electrical charge (that is they are Neutral), while Electrons have a negative electrical charge. Atoms are bound..
electromagnets In the last tutorial about Electromagnetism we saw that if we bend the conductor into a single loop the current will flow in opposite directions through the loop producing a clockwise field and an anticlockwise field next to each other. The Electromagnet uses this principal by having several individual loops magnetically joined together to produce a single coil. Electromagnets are basically coil..
Chambers in Egypt’s Great Pyramid concentrate radio waves https://physicsworld.com/a/chambers-in-egypts-great-pyramid-concentrate-radio-waves/ Chambers in Egypt's Great Pyramid concentrate radio waves – Physics World Computer simulations reveal electromagnetic properties of huge structure at Giza physicsworld.com A theoretical study has modelled how radio waves behave when passing through the Great Pyramid of Giza in Egypt. Mikhail Balezin and colleagu..
Electromagnetism in order to produce a much stronger and more controllable magnetic field we need to use electricity. By using coils of wire wrapped or wound around a soft magnetic material such as an iron core we can produce very strong electromagnets for use in many different types of electrical applications. This use of coils of wire produces a relationship between electricity and magnetism that gives us anot..
